Κυριακή 6 Φεβρουαρίου 2011

Ikonomou calls Greek population, to register in April

Ikonomou calls Greek population, to register in April

Greek Consul: In all Koritsa even in Northern Epirus, the Greeks living by thousand years

The Greek Consul, Theodhoro Ikonomus on the 20th anniversary of the founding of Omonias in Korca has called and urged the Greeks ethnics, not to fear the census process. "We will once again give the same message for you: Yes, there are Greek in South Albania. Yes, vllahs are Greek. Greeks, do not be alarmed by the census, to proclaim the real origin and all those in doubt and fear and ask yourself that am certainly Greek, you say something, go to the cemetery and see the graves of your fathers and grandfathers language in which to write and get your decision. Are in Greek. This battle does not end with census, but census begins with the Greek ", - said Ikonomus. 

"Minority rights exist. But these rights must be put in place in all areas of Albania which are represented by the Greek definition of Northern Epirus. The Greeks exist here by thousand of years, this is confirmed when you register more people and work to minority rights provided from the Protocol of Corfu 1914, which never is not canceled. I greet you Greek of Koritsa and I will be beside you in all the difficult moments. Courage, hope and struggle, "- he said further.

According to the albanian press, the Greek consul statements Theodhoros Ikonomu, are supported by 2 members of greek Parliament by Ioannina and Florina, Michalis Stathis and Pandulas Theodhoridhis. Calling conpatriotes "Greeks" of Albania, Greek members have referred more national census and Greek population in the Korca.


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