Δευτέρα 7 Φεβρουαρίου 2011

Tirana makes pressing through the courts to stop giving out the Greek nationality

Tirana makes pressing through the courts to stop giving out the Greek nationality

Change of nationality HCJ in Korca Court: "Stop abuses with Greek nationality"

" Tens of thousands of Albanians in the south of Albania, have changed nationality, over 20 years, this is done for the reason that the Albanian state since its formation in 1913, has taken away many nationality Orthodox families, in Northern Epirus" .

According to Albanian press today early in the morning, Vice President of the HCJ Kreshnik Spahiu, is calling on judges harsh criticism of the Court of Korca asking his opinion, to stop abuse of changing nationality. High Council of Justice today launched a surprise inspection at the Court of First Instance of Korce, to check the files of the trial dealing with the changes of nationality.

The reaction comes two days after the Greek consul Theodhoro Ikonomus, in the 20 th anniversary of the founding of "Omonia" in Korce issued calls minorities not to fear the census process, as historically here is Northern Epirus. "It's embarrassing leaving the Albanian nationality" stated Vice President of the HCJ Kreshnik Spahiu.

According to internal sources, with tens of thousands of Albanians in the south of Albania, have changed nationality, over 20 years, this is done for the reason that the Albanian state since its formation in 1913, has taken away many nationality Orthodox families, in Northern Epirus .

Counting the population will be in April and Tirana, is trying to sabotage the declaration of ethnicity and religions, as fears of a big result in the Greeks living in Albania.


2 σχόλια:

  1. to perneta exaba, ditae tyn arxy...smanalysis, alios klistote

  2. Καλημέρα σας,

    με τα λίγα που καταλαβαίνουμε από όσα μας λες,μάλλον απαιτείς να βάλουμε την πηγή από όπου πήραμε το άρθρο.

    Αν κοιτάξεις πιο προσεκτικά υπάρχει κανονικά link που οδηγεί στο ιστολόγιο.
