On the focus the land registration, census and administrative local elections
In this case, expected in April to assist in this process, a highrepresentation of personalities of the Greek American lobby with Himara origin.
Within the month of January, will call an extraordinary session of the HimaraCommunity in Tirana, to discussions registration process of property andland, census popullation ans the next administrative local electionsthroughout the length of the Ionian coast.
The announcement also made for all other associations as "The CoastalAssociation", "The Intellectuals of Himara" of "Tourism Himara Association", "The Association of Himara Business" etc..
According to the report, the year 2011 is crucial in terms of some historical processes such as the land registry, the census, local administrativeelections, the problems of Tourism and regional perspective, etc..
Himara Community Presidency, in collaboration with Coast Association "will bewatching closely and will engage directly with the representative of OSCE inTirana, and the Spanish Company of registration of land" Terace "forsuccessful completion of all process land registration with the principle of "heir property belongs to the owner. "
On the agenda of activities of "The Himara Community" for this purposeinclude, meetings with politicians and senior diplomats in Albania, theapproach to assistance for the Municipality of Himara, and in particular, closeinteractions with the "Community Himara" of the United States of America"The Himara Union" as well as in Greece.
Meanwhile, "The Himara Community", invited to cooperate closely, all U.S.citizens originating from Himara, as well as those living in Europe, especiallyin the land registration process, considering the process as a very importantmission to future, of Himara Region.
In this case, expected in April to assist in this process, a high representationof personalities of the Greek American lobby with Himara origin.
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