Η είδηση προέρχεται από το smarkos.blogspot.com και επικαλείται πηγές κοντά στην Ένωση Ελληνικών Τραπεζών στην Αλβανία. Η Αλβανική μαφία αγοράζει τα πάντα στην Ιόνια ακτή της Χιμάρας και θα λάβει απάντηση από το Συμβούλιο των Ελληνικών Τραπεζών που δραστηριοποιούνται στην Αλβανία.
"Είμαστε σε θέση να αγοράσουμε με οποιοδήποτε κόστος κάθε τετραγωνικό μέτρο γης, για να σώσουμε τις
περιουσίες της ελληνικής κοινότητας της ακτής του Ιονίου στην Αυλώνα, Χιμάρα, Λούκοβο και Αγίους Σαράντα '' είπε η πηγή.
Η είδηση ακούγετε ιδανική για κάποιον που δεν ξέρει τον τρόπο που λειτουργούν οι εμπορικές τράπεζες.
Έστω και έτσι, κάτι αισιόδοξο ανήμερα του ιστορικού OXI
Αναδημοσίευση από:himaracity
Ακολουθεί το άρθρο στα αγγλικά:

Albania, latest update
Greek Banks in Albania, extraordinary meeting: "The Ionian coast, a decisive moment to buy properties"
There are around 500 million euros, to "save" the Greek Community lands from the clutches of the Albanian Mafia.
The news comes from closer sources to the Union of Greek Banks in Albania. "The Albanian mafia is buying everything into Ionian coast area of Epirus" have taken an immediate response from the secret sources of political control to the Board of Greek banks operating in Albania. "We are able to pay with any cost each square meter, to the Greek community property in Ionian Coast, Vlora, Himare, Lukovo, Sarande and Ksamil wich are under target, affected by the Albanian Mafia."
Source points to the fact that, the Banks have taken in high consideration the reality in Southern Albania, alarming proportions arbitrary and illegal sale of lands in Ionian coast, and has forced the boards of Greek banks to receive concrete initiatives by offering residents and especially in Himare Lukove, opportunities to sell property in the way with legal rather than Albanian Mafia, offering twice the price in special cases.
It is worth to point out that, particularly, Greek National Bank, Alpha Bank and Pireas Bank, for the first time, with concrete initiatives, undertake to invest in the coastal area of Northern Epirus, since the lack of missing property management, has forced them, not to invest in these areas.
Just this year, all three banks have provided loans amounting to 110 million euros, to support with great credit, both supermarkets in Tirana, as "Mega Tech" and "City Park", providing these banks, to have put in available around 500 million euros, to "save" as noted by the source, the Greek community lands from the clutches of the Albanian Mafia.
The Mayor of Himara Municipality, Vasil Bolanos, has called often the Greek Banks that operate in Albania since 1998, to invest in Himara Region, but until now, the legal procedures of selling and buying real estate, was an obstacle as a result of missing property management in this area.
Αναδημοσίευση από:smakros
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