Ionian coast of Dhrales, Gjipe, Porto Palermo Jala asked to freeze all the investments
Ionian coast, that the Mafia has been targeting and dirty laundering money,for the massive construction, for a period of time will be supervised byspecialists of the Military Alliance of NATO. Some resources reserved from Tirana, confirm the fact that naval units of NATO Alliance, will open up
along the Ionian coast of Himara Region, for training center for fast military intervention and for this fact, beaches of Dhralea, Gjipea, Yala and PortoPalermo, will be the inviolable by the state and administrative authorities.
The news has spread throughout the region Himara and many residents have welcomed this decision, the fact that their properties, have been the target ofthe Albanian Mafia, Russian and Italian.
According to sources, the Albanian government, was also booked with thisdecision, as many investors networks connected to senior politicians, are willing to invest in properties, which belong to legitimate owners of Himara.
Sixth Fleet of the United States, has taken control of part of the KaraburunPeninsula, to train Marines, while the coastal of Himara, the Marine exerciseswill be added to camping facilities.
Two weeks ago, the Bay of Vlora, the joint naval forces of NATO, held militaryexercises.
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